
“They left US in their togetherness Agenda!”©

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WriterBeat II
It is not about the truth of being caught, or by who
showed it to us (with the spin in full effect) but why…
if you would take the truth of another doubtful act,
the denial of personal actions blamed on one to cry
in the darkness of DNC blight, the night of an ill-
lighted understanding of the true nature of the blame-
game, pointing to the Russians, and deflecting the
spin of its own actions to bounce elsewhere and shame
on them for ‘pointing it out,’ and the FBI, with Comey
and his statement about proving criminal intent, really!
Let me see… if you commit to do something that is
illegal, and do it, it becomes your intention you’d relay
to the masses… the mindless drones that do blindly
follow behind the media leading them on what to think…
and not to see the spinning top of truth they scrape off
the bottom of the presses… therein lies printed of ink.

Can no one see the seats are being filled by people [paid off or paying for] being sought to wave the flag for Hillary? This is to make things look better than they are and to deceive the masses with false hopes and stolen dreams- before it happens again. Believe what you will… and close your eyes to this deception of ‘flag waving,’ after day one the DNC was confronted by the use of the flag for Palestine (a moment of reckoning) and relocated it. Here is the unbiased opinion of people unwilling to compromise their beliefs, see below.


WriterBeat IV

So much for ‘a moment of reckoning‘ and togetherness!

George Orwell quote

“On a Poet, Revolutionary and world opinion”©

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A relationship is only set in understanding if:
communication is forthrightly established,
active listening is engaged and used for its
benefit of all present, ignorance is banished
and goals set in: hearts, minds and this will
be documented so as to ensure it is known…
let nothing then stand in its way, neither lie
nor denial to its existence, love is then sown
by the seeds of equality, a promise to coexist,
integrating differences aside to one common
goal, peacefulness restored… with dignity for
all without hate or violence, today uncommon.


Stop the violence

The world says, according to the UN, humanity has ‘Human Rights’ and they have been declared in the U.D.H.R. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights). There is but one problem to these very ideals the UN would have us all to believe… they have had no interest in enforcing them (to police them, nations that have signed the agreements or to enforce compliance)- just look to Darfur as the primary answer to the questions of and on all our hearts. If the world bodies did not simply look away then an answer to why it was allowed to proceed, without intervention, could be possible (or plausible) to fathom.


How important are these 'Basic Rights' to you?

How important are these ‘Basic Rights’ to you?


From Langston Hughes we get this line, speaking of women,”In other words, you want them both old-fashioned and modern at the same time,” I said. “The convolutions of your hypothesis are sometimes beyond cognizance.”

“The Best Of Simple,” Langston Hughes, Hill and Wang, New York, 1961, American Century Series, p. 18


Lanston III


From Langston Hughes we also get this line, speaking of a vicious circle,”What do you mean, by herself?,” I asked. “Negroes in white neighborhoods are not by themselves.” “They are colored, though, ain’t they?,” asked Simple. “Isolationist,” I said. “Self-segregationist! What do you want Negroes to do, never expand, never spread out?”

“The Best Of Simple,” Langston Hughes, Hill and Wang, New York, 1961, American Century Series, page 224


The book by Stokely Carmichael


In the book ‘Black Power, The Politics of Liberation in America,’ by Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton, a comment from one Negro Woman, prominent in civic affairs in Tuskegee (after the killing of Sammy Younge Jr.), said,

“Anyone who knows me understands that I yield to no one in dedication
to equal citizenship rights. I have long worked for elimination of injustices
and discrimination. I believe in the American dream- the Christian principle-
of democracy for all regardless of race, color or creed. I have stood by this conviction.

… Tuskegee is our home, we are proud of its institutions. We insist on equality
of opportunity- under law and under God- but we are not radical street demonstrators, losing control of our good instincts. Nor will we endorse or support those who work without purpose or concern for law and order.

Let all of us- white and colored- join hands in securing justice, obedience to
law and good will which will bring progress in every area of our common life.¹”

1… This footnote is attributed thusly, Letter to the Editor, The Tuskegee News (January 20, 1966), p. 2


Stop the violence II


If you want to read a little more of Tuskegee and Black Patriotism, here is an article about the Tuskegee Airman [led by Dr. Roscoe Brown… then Captain Roscoe C. Brown Jr., PhD (March 9, 1922- July2, 2016)] and learn of his involvement with: education, equality and excellence in New York.

Excellence overcomes prejudice.
Dr. Roscoe Brown

P.S. I attended a speech given by Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) while a student at S.J.D.C. (San Joaquin Delta College), Stockton, California. His speech was not peppered with hate [this is not to say there was none there… and distrust was strongly prevailing] but on ‘Pan-Africanism,’ on ‘Liberation toward progressive change.’ For me, this was not simply raising awareness but in  fact (actuality) a reason for: obtaining and exerting political clout, reaching out to other like minded people equally and seeing it through to where it would and could (must) continue if liberation of any race is to succeed. I see it more (especially today) where it is ‘the mind’ that is trapped… and the body of all races and classes of people is caught in the fray and: reacted to, subjected to hurt or harm, and even killed- today for ideas and beliefs more so than in the past. There are others that still do not see it this way, as Sundiata Cha-Jua, found here. This could be, as Stokely might say it,”Giving substance to our goals.


Stop the violence III


Images are from here.

Then this





“The impact leaves us black and blue”©

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When a Black shooter injured a young
Black Mother in Dallas, Shetamia Taylor,
and police used themselves as a human
shield to protect her and her sons, discover
the irony of this… left in the shape of a very
powerful conundrum, Black lives matter…
yes they do but in both Dallas and in Baton
Rouge, with injury and death, the fetter
and restraint contained in its importance
is now violated, leaving us black and blue,
not Red, White and Blue (Together)… and
what’s left is then but ‘a lie thought to be true.’


If Black lives matter then explain this to me, the rest of the country and the world! Just how ugly we can be to one another when ignorance presumes to be truth… and our actions are exposed beyond intentions expressed. Tell the Families of Shetamia Taylor and Montrell Jackson ‘Black Lives Matter’ and listen to them… of their feelings on the issues we all face here. Jimi Hendrix said it this way,”When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.








Montrell’s last post… found here.

A statement by ‘Black Lives Matter’ found here. This after Dallas but nothing more (yet).

“Black against black was never the goal… or any other American”©

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W.E.B. DuBois Quote!


It is time to (fully) understand the disparity
and frustration… the futility of senseless
violence… hate becomes a heavy toxin,

if it can be called such a thing as without
a purpose… simply lashing out at who one
thinks is the source of a problem, treason…

is this by cause to allow and arm, with a
gainfully obtained permit to: purchase or
obtain a weapon, aid and abet in season…

incite the continued division to expected
extreme, disgrace what honorable men
are dying to protect, heritage its beacon,

the right to live and breathe the air of one’s
own liberty… this subject to the suffering of
PTSD’s and prejudice as we deny a lesson

told us by our own actions while yet claiming
‘Black lives matter,’ hate has never lifted a
cause… leaves a wake without sure reason,

and it is folly to believe an eye for an eye
will not leave us all blind to what is being
done… does not strengthen but weaken!

Go ahead and kill each other, the common man might say, but this is not common to each of us as Americans when respect is shown to our own– each and every one of us. This is a cause bigger than we are individually… and we would allow those seeking to destroy the very fabric of our country if this continues with a less than peaceful approach. You don’t throw ‘the baby’ out with the bath water!


I have never fully understood the problems coming from racial differences… so I never found a reason to be a part of sound thought, effort or action to aid anyone toward understanding- since it didn’t affect me directly.


W. E. B. DuBois quote from here.


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We are in an election cycle… but
the distractions keep us all divided,
one from another… this side vs. that,
white against black, we’re not united
and introspective views of an irreducible
minimum for us include being American…
Yes, ‘Blacks Lives Matter’ but we do not
exist in a segregated society, ‘We’ can
come from any part of the globe and
be a part of the whole, warts and all…
our history need not be forgotten but
remembered, to ensure as if by call
this chapter of history is never repeated…
for it should be apparent race is not
the wedge that will keep us divided,
unless we allow it to… then it is a net,
a trap of the mind to think one of us
(as Americans) is better than another…
‘We’ are better served when we can look
at each other and see a Sister/ Brother.



Is what we see in America, today, with the divisiveness… the reason President Obama aligned with Lincoln [with thoughts of being an Emancipator]? Is this not just call to cause doubt over trust… the cup of bitterness and hatred [seen in Dallas], or the length of time it took to address people in Ferguson, or to [suggest] hint there are still problems to be faced- more violence to come.


MLK quote I


If there is an ‘irreducible minimum’ here… it is we are all Americans first and anything that does not bring us together is seeking to divide us- anything or anyone. Either you are part of the solution or part of the problem… and there is no middle ground!


MLK quote II




MLK quote III


P.S. In just one article on ‘race relations’ the President is linked to two diversely different views (or viewpoints), i.e. ‘deep divisions‘ and ‘we are not as divided as we seem‘- his words ‘do matter’ when innocent American lives are on the line… citizens and police alike. There might be (could be) an agenda [if this is more than angst but merited concern] and everyone is then subject to the outcome: covered by design, exploited by the media and it is left at our feet as a Trojan horse- reason to declare ‘Martial Law’ and it being done for our safety. Nothing else explains the lack of promptness required by our leaders or the bland (and less than contrite) support being offered up as true concern for our nation, legal system or justice ensured.


Communist Means of Control

integration not segregation

Images of MLK Jr. and his words are found at Yahoo (under MLK quotes on fear) and of Ferguson here.



“When a whisper of bias feeds the masses”©

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Supreme Court
One hot desert day, when the sun went down
and it cooled off, I heard a Ginsburg ‘Howl
and what looked like ‘a political opinion‘ was
more than whispered… screamed of its growl
by its own bias raised without concerns of the
‘ethos’ of our own laws being scowled at by some…
and the some of those disregarding the laws in
place came from the same side of an aisle dumb
to the: liberties taken, rule of law subverted and
disregarded or even to influence being peddled,
theft of charitable funds or the corruption of favor
for hire… so how does the Judge seem settled
with herself to merit her questioning Trump’s tax
returns over Hillary’s flagrant disregard for ‘Law’
except to say she is [possibly] a ‘Neo-Lib’ and a
Clinton appointee? Move to New Zealand, redraw
the lines of support shown already… shown the
American people of ‘cronyism vs. legalism’, sworn
to uphold the ‘Law of The Land’ and throw caution
to the wind… bush-league is the approach worn,
the well worn state of indifference when a Judge
disregards ‘the code of judicial conduct’ to remark
by (personal) opinion against the GOP nominee
for President, amid reactions for her to disembark.




As it appears [to this layman] Judge Ginsburg, by stating publicly (and with the media) her private feelings, has (possibly) cast doubt on the very Judiciary she works for, the ‘Supreme Court of the US’ and its place, held Independent from (but impacting) the American people. There are four Canons to the ‘Model Code of Judicial Conduct’ and Canon four states,” … Shall Not Engage In Political Or Campaign Activity… .” You can see all four here, and Canon four here, courtesy of the ABA (American Bar Association). I share this with you for ‘your education [to see and learn from what is there]’ and as such information is known… it will empower you [by virtue of it revealing what is common knowledge for those familiar with it] to know ‘the scope of Judicial Conduct,’ Professional Responsibility and the established understanding coming from it.




Images are from here.

P.S. Please know one thing here… I’m a Democrat but one that will not think as I’m told to, Vote as they want me to or finding myself incapable of coming to my own conclusions without checking on facts over opinions- even those opinions coming from positions thought to be strong in and of themselves.


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Fear II


For the weak of mind… weak of conviction… weak of
belief in what they believe… you can assault with noise,
they will crumble when they think about one group over
another, and when the other is their own and nowise
to see themselves as the cause for harm and hurt of
people just attempting to gain a voice for their cause…
their views… their beliefs even when to advance them
people may fall from being in the way… none to accuse
‘the modern day martyr¹’ of killing for their faith, to share
the looming friendship of this peacefulness expressed
by the violent terms of finding jihadist platitudes to a
full blossom of assertion… an intensity of the oppressed
falling into mob mentality in the singular responsibility
taken to seek and cause destruction… the ashes of
progress, No… the sole drive is to conquer and deceive
minds so weak… they would do as told desires thereof.


North 6


Can one influence… change, alter the perception of ‘who is right’ and who is wrong’ when one points to those thought oppressed? Sure, and when one is thought to be open to being ‘radicalized’ it becomes more than a simple suggestion… it becomes a means to indulge in the anger… the destructive tendencies… the hate for who you think you’ve become but this is not the truth. The truth is you have just been lied to and you accepted what was told you from their need for you to believe it as truth. The truth is, if you were to believe what was told you, you would become a convert but not being born into it you are expendable for their cause. You would willingly die for what they believe… that killing is OK to promote a peaceful society for them. This Machiavellian approach is what you would have accepted instead of a peaceful hand offered to aid and eliminate ignorance- left with the bloody hands of elimination of people you don’t or can’t or won’t want to try and understand… more than just subliminal. This is where and when people become inured to feeling… inured to violence… inured to decency… and lose their own humanity.

1… Once upon a time being a martyr actually meant ‘to die for what one believes.’ Today, being a martyr has also included (being found in a politically correct climate) the definition of killing people for what you might believe and being a martyr for a political cause- happily ever after.


To train our Daughters II

Must we remain blinded… captives of our own beliefs?


When lies are used to further ‘a truth’ is when light is no longer desired to be seen as having any benefit at all!

“You’re a piece of sh*t”©

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After a week of extreme fatal racial violence,
July 8th, 2016, the day after the Dallas ambush,
I’m in Kingman, Arizona, at Petco… for pet food
and two young Brothers, for kicks and racist rush,
walk up to me in the store, one has a large plastic
bag of stuffies. He starts out by saying, you win… you
win a prize for the day, and pulls out a stuffy that
looks like a pile of sh*t with eyes and a smile, through
out both young men were smiling themselves, a
joke on someone: old looking (grey beard), t-shirt
with cut-off sleeves, tattoos, a Veteran and I try
with all my heart to pull people together, sh*t…
he said,”You’re a piece of sh*t,” and started to
pull the stuffy out and (act like) he was handing
to me… pulled it back, and before they walked
away, I said,”That’s not right!” I turned hunting
for what I went to the store to obtain, pet food
for the animals my wife and I rescued at home,
my only regret was that it happened so quick I
did not have a chance to stop them from shame
or ongoing disrespect they gave me, a stranger,
not to realize another so approached might not
think it so damn harmless… so damn innocent,
so damn funny if a racist joke can get one shot.

Really, how ignorant can we all be. How insensitive can we be to one another… after the week of racist violence we have all seen, felt and been subjected to in the US. At a time we need to continue as if it was just days past the event of Rosa Parks sitting down to make a broader statement to the whole country. This is not ‘The Dream’ Martin so passionately spoke of… not the sense of greater purpose expressed by the life of Captain Roscoe Brown… or aiding the ‘healing’ this country needs so badly- to come together. Charles Blow, Political Commentator, made a statement… on CNN,”Don’t make your defect my problem.” I have a friend whose saying is,”Don’t make your problem my problem.” I have adopted this saying to encapsulate many thoughts, especially when stupidity is seen… by my own people- let alone the son or daughter of another.

No disrespect


I didn’t get a chance to thank him for his feelings expressed toward me… let alone tell him I am a Christian and forgive him for his shallow thoughts held for me on my behalf.


Image from here.

P.S. A comment to be seen at ‘The Washington Post’ online here, and on the Dallas shooting.

“Got email… have a cigar”©


North 4
Rep. Cynthia Lummis, (R) Wyoming…
grilling Director Comey, FBI, asked
about ‘intent to store Classified
information privately,’ again axed
the notion of Title 18, US Code 1924…
“intent to retain said documents at
an unauthorized location… ,” is illegal
to do so,”We don’t need [what]…
the Code number (of the violation).
It’s more than that, and prove criminal
intent.” The Director stumbles and
‘We the people’ get ourselves a clinical
and surgical abortion to the injustice
we see being done to us: the very nerve,
the hubris… and deceit, the openly bare
and naked details inimical to liberty serve
to proclaim (loudly) the disdain for freedom
over self-serving interests, home or abroad,
a ‘Libertine’ among us… the vote is either
for a Capitalist or a globalist– who’ll we laud.

Weather Craft 1960

Dear Director Comey, If it is a crime to ‘retain the Classified documents’ at an unauthorized location… then doing so makes it an illegal act, and to alter the state of these documents (to then send the information) goes beyond the pail. The American people were offended when the news told us about about a US spy plane being shot down… after the government told us something else. Now, the rule of American Law takes a backseat to the will of ‘Globalist interests.’ Read American cover-up and exposure from the link provided.

Leave it to the Media to determine 'vulgar'


After hearing more of the Hearing on Capital Hill, I’m convinced the FBI couldn’t find a whore in the whorehouse with a fist full of hundred dollar bills. If the law says it is illegal to do something… it is illegal to do something, with or without intent or not.To lie during Senatorial or Congressional Hearing, if that is illegal (as well) then the intention was (clearly) to deceive, mislead and misdirect intentions of awareness possessed when the deception occurred. Evidence was then handled by lawyers, shredded and the attempt was made (intentionally) to destroy any information of ‘Classified information’ being: mishandled, exposed to eyes unattended, and cover-up belies intention of criminal activity (actions taken). There is an obvious difference between cognitive dissonance and cognitive consonance but a lawyer should know better here, being aware of the letter of the law, and ignorance (or contempt) to the law is simply not a viable excuse to violate the law.

Furthermore, as to the increase of incidents with localized Police Departments and Black fatalities… something beyond the control of the FBI (initially)- there are gaps in our system that need to be brought to the table.

When it comes right down to it… this increase has happened under President Obama’s watch. While at the head of this country, and by following through with policy originated by the last President, many Police Departments have hired Veterans coming back from the war. As a Veteran… and very aware of PTSD’s, there needs to be a point of ‘crossing the thin blue line (allowing one officer to come forward without fear of reprisal)’ if another officer has shown signs of: racism, hate filled conduct, is abusive, suffers from emotional or psychological trauma (based on experiences from home, work or service related) and should therefore be removed from active duty to a desk (a position not placing him/her in line of fire) or where they (themselves) are not a harm or danger to the general public.

“The color of America is American”
Russell D. Holder

nemo est supra leges… nobody is above the laws

in absentia luci, tenebrae vincunt… in absence of light, darkness prevails

ignorantia juris non excusat… ignorance of the law is no excuse


As of 11:42 AM, July 8th, 2016, I turn on the news to hear of a veteran, from service in Afghanistan, unleashes his fury/frustration/anger/hate against ‘white officers’ in Dallas, Texas last night. The burden of such actions of fellow officers (for the police) or family and friends (of ‘shooters’ from within our communities) is a cry from the depth of all our souls to see an end to this ‘cycle of violence.’ With the rise in use of ‘social media’ to capture anything wrongly done… an opposite is true, if there is something that is said that perpetuates: hate, racism, abusive thoughts (stated) to be acted on… say something- stand up and speak out! When PTSD’s are entered into the mix… there is something that will be seen or known by SOMEONE. This is the time for due diligence and not harmful and mindless reaction, and the time has come for more than ‘a sit-in’ performed by the legislators. The time has come to take: corrective measures, enact legislation to prevent this from happening (at least), exclude someone’s right to obtain arms if they are: on the watch list, have psychological issues that are documented (hate oriented, racist tendencies, are a risk to themselves or others) and preserve the right for honorable people (law abiding citizens) to keep and bear arms. We cannot afford to lose another human life… let alone another ‘American life- needlessly.’

“The color of America is American”


P.S. Unfortunately, when Black lives matter was upstaged by the Paris attacks… they gave us this and lost ground- when race was more important than the motivations that triggered hate over culture and society as a whole- religiously motivated. At the last time I looked at what ‘Human Rights‘ entails, race holds equal footing with faith by choice. To complicate it even more is when we would rather attempt to gain ‘a voice to race‘ over ‘injustice from gender.’


“A loss of history in our presence”©



Dr. Roscoe C. Brown Jr. dies at age ninety four,
Dr. Brown flew as one of the Tuskegee Airman
during WW II, an advocate of racial equality and
education, his best foot forward and full life span,
68 combat missions and commanded the very
famous group of valiant heros, being a runner,
Dr. Brown completed the NY Marathon nine times
during his life, the Congressional Medal of Honor
recipient received The Distinguished Flying Cross…
and the Air Medal with eight Oak Leaf Clusters,
to defeat a stereotype that African-Americans didn’t
have the intelligence or ability to do it, myth busters
are the best… for he was one of the Pathfinders for
equality… his life speaks loudly and longly for truth,
so let it not be said,”There was none among us that
stood out… as a Leader back then,” here the proof.

T A back then

With a labored effort for all he believed in, Dr. Roscoe Brown Jr. leaves most of us in the dust. See a brief telling of his life here and please watch the video below for a little more.

T A in later years

“There was a time in American history when a group of men crossed lines to fight something bigger than racism, they fought fascism.”

“Excellence overcomes prejudice.”
Dr. Roscoe Brown

T A 'keeping it real'

Images from here.


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