
“Inkedvocabulary.com™” is open for business!

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There is Nothing better than to realize one’s hopes and dreams are reachable. This is the case for this writer today… and right now. God has blessed me here with a gift… the gift of writing and a telling of what is in my heart- and on my mind.


I’m proud to be able to tell you of an e-store, my e-store, called,”Inkedvocabulary.com™… where one can go and purchase an eBook for: full price (like offered through Amazon Kindle for my first book… and second coming soon), ten percent off (who needs coupons… get 10% off if you want it) or (our best offer) twenty percent off if you’ll simply like us through social media (take 20% off the price and like us… what’s not to like here). I would sure appreciate your kind word or support by ‘liking us’ through social platforms… it could make a big difference.

With a writer’s heart so full,

I remain,

Russell D. Holder

My third book and the cover design is by Shayani Ann Turko Shayani@Iamdarkbutlovely.com

My third book and the cover design is by Shayani Ann Turko

My second book and the cover design was done by Scott Black http://www.redbubble.com/people/scottb1977

My second book and the cover design was done by Scott Black

My first book and the cover design was done by  Belinda J. Borradaile borradaileb@yahoo.co.uk

My first book and the cover design was done by Belinda J. Borradaile

The store is brought to you by 3dcart... and the very helpful people there- this I can attest to personally. Great people there... and they can help you also!

The store is brought to you by 3dcart… and the very helpful people there- this I can attest to personally. Great people there… and they can help you also!

“Exposing the heart of Shariah law”©

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The toddler, an American citizen, sits next to

his expectant Mother in a Sudanese prison,

the Mother and child sit… waiting for the rest

of the world to decry her situational reason…

and the reason, when after she gives birth,

she’ll get one hundred lashes with the whip…

then be put to death just for what she believes,

barbaric… with Shariah law to so  equip,

the Mother, Mariam Ibrahim, sentenced to this

fate for being a criminal… a christian believer,

U.S. Diplomacy needs to rescue them or just

like Ben Gazi… hate wins over love, deceiver!


When will the value of life be more important than having someone accept what they do not believe is right for them (by their own choice)… acting from the hate of who they believe in or acting against life itself. There can be nothing more unnatural than a child without his Mother… removed by laws of man against mankind- against humanity itself. See what god desires this… this is not the monotheistic God people think it is- the same as the Hebrew God… the God of love and life.


“A good lie with bad consequences… now my tummy hurts”©

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Sticks and stones will break my bones                                                                                        but words will never harm me.                                                                                                                        “A nursery rhyme”

Can you imagine a time when just anyone                                                                                            could imagine… torture is speech,                                                                                                           this pales in light of understanding the intent                                                                                  of the nursery rhyme, a stretch beyond reach,                                                                               the truest version of this was meant to be seen                                                                                                     where words do not carry physical hurt or harm…                                                                            and to call words (even spoken words) torture                                                                                  is to ignore our own ignorance we would disarm,                                                                              As adults, acting in a childish manner, we might                                                                             try to insist something is true… even if it is not,                                                                           and the truth is then convoluted, turned upside                                                                                 down, as we justify the cost of what we bought.

As an adult, I have come to know the difference between abuse: physical, mental and emotional. I think the difference between abuse and torture, as it relates to ‘free speech,’ should be highlighted as either ill-intent or well intended. With what the CRR (Center for Reproductive Rights) is attempting through the UN by petitioning for religious speech to be called torture… is ill-intent- to remove another’s “Human Rights” to believe what they will (and to say it) at the cost of the rights of another. There needs to be deception used in plain sight of those intended to be deceived… when an ill-intent, caused by an emotional reaction to what is said, is then acted on. In the case of children or those with an immature emotional state… this is called ‘acting out.’

In this case, as mentioned above, it is to be understood when a person does not have a mature control of their own emotions is when any reaction to what one has the liberty to say (without ill-intent) they will lay the blame for their own feelings at the feet of the one they oppose. Sadly, this is the growing and current normative view… to blame someone else for what we might feel, right or wrong, to remove what we feel is then seen as being responsible. In truth, the responsibility rests on our own thoughts… our thoughts influenced more by our own emotions than reason for them, and we seek to remove the cause- as if this corrects our own behavior.

Animaverto intericio interfeci interfectum… aperio intellego intellexi intellectum.

[Latin for: To turn the mind to kill, murder, slay… to uncover (lay bare) to understand, comprehend, see.]


An e-store is drawing closer to reality!

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If there is anything for an Author to get excited about it is best found in the strange ability to be able to (actually) sell a book or two. These days… e-books are so easy to get apps for, even: chap-books, Kindle, Nook and other formats are setting the trend and establishing a foot-hold not soon to leave the social landscape. They are the new norm… the new standard. I hope to get an e-store up and running very soon, one that will allow sale of three e-books of my own. Two are Christian and one is Political… PLEASE keep an eye out for the link to you coming soon.

The growing trend is to offer coupons to enable discounts. I think if I offer you a discount for liking them on social media… I’ll simply offer a ten (10) percent discount- and this would be over the ten (10) percent discount offered for just going to the store through link. That’s right… twenty (20) percent off what my books will sell for through Kindle. Please keep in mind they will be a download once purchased and with retained invoice number you’ll have access to other formats (RTF, PDF, Doc or Mobi) once I get them in place. The covers of all three books will be seen below… below the company I’m going to use- my first chance to brag on them.

An e-store is coming soon!

An e-store is coming soon!

My first book

My first book

My second book

My second book

My third book

My third book