
“What I’m singing about up here”©

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Prince Rodgers Nelson (June 7, 1958- April 21, 2016)

I was dreaming of people past…
those that had already gone on,
and I found I could talk to them as
if they were more near than yon,
to talk to peers, friends both old and
dear, no dream… a bridge in time,
much more than going up on the
roof… good times shared no crime,
the times shared more important in
retrospect to us all, we’re left behind,
my friends, welcome back my friends…
the night has fallen, Morpheus calls,
and I am again among you all, to talk
and cherish the days we had recalls
the fondness… the tender moments,
the days we lived and breathed again,
so let no sadness linger on you or to
cause you any pain… in the purple rain.

Here is a link to the lyrics for ‘Purple Rain,’ by Prince, and with this writing to his memory. An article (found here) on Prince by Billboard.com and where the story first broke with TMZ… their article here.

We lose another musical genius. R.I.P!

Image from here.

[A comment I had to add to this to be fully understood]
On CNN yesterday, April 22nd, 2016, friends of Prince were being interview after the release of his body to the family. One was asked about his dreams and stated (I’m paraphrasing),”He spoke of his dreams being very lucid… and his ability to speak to people that had already died.” This is why the tribute piece I’ve written [the memorial] contains what it does. It makes me wonder if (in fact) he knew his own demise was soon!

“Of Sandy Hook, a Governor and Goldman Sachs”©


Do we really want Hillary this badly?

The gun just went off…

it was in someone’s hand

but it just went off,

and if you believe it…

ever more will you stand

but you’re full of it,

and you’d claim it a foul

no less contrived or planned

by the manufacturer…

and disregard the goal

to point against one’s brand

to elevate one of your own.

Gov. Dannel Malloy of Connecticut calls Senator Sanders ‘dead wrong‘ on his stand for protecting gun manufacturers. He supports Hillary too… and (it appears) money from Goldman Sachs as well. So what has either party done to: prevent guns from falling into the hands of (problem) people… already thought to be harmful to themselves, create legislation to endorse guns for protection are used (only) by sane people, enforce the denial of gun rights (with mandatory aid from Medical or Psychological fields) to people exhibiting: hate speech, harmful desires or fantasies, and clear (diagnosed) signs of PTSD’s. Funny, how even Gov. Malloy has a Goldman Sachs connection… first an article in the Hartford Courant and then two perspectives, here and here–  and the dirt found at the bottom of this paragraph. Why was a crime scene tossed by ineffective and unqualified people, some memory? Don’t understand how ‘Big Money‘ is favored by politicians- really? As if that wasn’t bad enough… allegations to far worse appear- here, here and here (with a Planned Parenthood connection too!). Lastly, I hope what they paid Hillary for her speeches was worth taking- as American trust and decency went right down the toilet. Speaking of American decency, here is how they see it in Australia.

There is ‘nothing’ in this organization God would bless. Hillary supports them too!

I support gun control… and believe it means hitting what you are aiming at! Guns do not kill people… people do! Would you sue the company that makes the mayonnaise… when the egg salad was left out to long at the picnic on the fourth of July- NO! Same thing here… and guns (used properly) do help sane people defend their homes and families. The police will not always be there when you (might) need them… and we need to take steps to deprive people willing to use them for purposes other than they have been intended for. Defense first and last and not to be (offensively) used at all for a means of ‘exacting any form of vigilante justice (or any injustice) at all.’

On top of the issues of resentment, by Erica Smegielski, over protection mentioned for gun manufacturers by Sen. Sanders, and fraudulent claims by some (seen within the Sandy Hook families themselves)… this in no way does anything to lessen the importance and diminish (or disparage) the very real pain of hurting families- caused by someone misusing firearms.

[Below are found two videos on Sandy Hook or from the event of Sandy Hook… and gauge them for yourself.]

P.S. Thank you for your (informed) vote New York… in favor of ‘Big Money’ over actual concern- such is politics in America.    #theNewYorkVote    #BigMoney

“Shadow banking, from Hillary’s own lips- the small problem in the room”©


There’s a hole to this problem, dear Hillary, dear Hillary,

There’s a hole to this problem, dear Hillary, a hole.

Then mend it, dear American, dear American,

then mend it, dear American, mend it.

With what shall we mend it, dear Hillary, dear Hillary,

with what shall we mend it, dear Hillary, with what?

We can close up the loop-hole, dear American, dear American,

we can close up the loop-hole, dear American, close up the hole.

Your hand is still in it, dear Hillary, dear Hillary,

but your hand is still in it, dear Hillary, your hand.

What ever do you mean, dear American, dear American,

what ever do you mean, dear American, what do you mean?

There is this corruption, dear Hillary, dear Hillary,

there is this corruption, dear Hillary, this corruption.

I’m here to fix it, dear American, dear American,

I’m here to fix it, dear American… just vote for me!

How can someone involved as deeply with ‘shadow banking’ as Hillary looks to be… be the solution to fix what is said to be wrong with the banking system itself? If Hillary does as she has claimed to do… but we see what she has also done (behind our back [Kremlin connection, Panama Papers and Foundation Doubts]) and even in front of us, i.e. Goldman Sachs, Foundation Ethics in Question and (International and National) Donors to the Clinton Foundation. If we intend on fixing what is wrong with the banking system… we should not be sleeping in the same bed with them- right?

Can we not understand ‘Bankers’ benefited from “The Civil War” in the US and do benefit from any war- both sides need arms. So by banking do we support terrorism… No but those who seek to profit from us might!

“Iran has been the country that has been in many ways a kind of central banker for terrorism in important regions like Lebanon through Hezbollah in the Middle East, in the Palestinian Territories, and we have deep concerns about what Iran is doing in the south of Iraq.”

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

[This piece of writing patterned after,”There’s a Hole in the Bucket,” and found at this link… if you are not familiar with the song.]

To look in the biggest cover up [Rabbit Hole] of corruption to come down the pipe (intended for ours) is through the UN and it’s believers… or identifying the signs of the times.

It seems what Hillary says she’ll do and what she has (already) done are two very different things indeed!