
“A captive nonetheless”

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There are many furrows which cross the brow,
even when staid conventions are kept captive,
from thoughts removed of the surly depths to
collaborate with collusion’s goal of preemptive
and arbitrary release of soundness and logic…
from thence to feel no sense of consequence,
stolen from the hands of those deceived and
would believe freedom is without a reference,
whence the beginning of freedom is relegated
to being quaint and obsolete, fought for the gain
to attain liberty by loss of lives and blood, fought
tyranny to arrive at peace and quiet without pain,
the pathology of a dyed in the wool liar… paved
with immunity render the liability to sell the whore,
and the whoring… the selling of one’s own body
and lifestyle to suit what another needs from more
of you, to turn from being an individual with choice
to a person with no: voice, morals or clear thought
to what we have been or what we have become…
and we’d be nothing more than clones as taught
to such vapid melodies of rhythm and ceaseless
noise… barely leaving images of color and life,
doomed to repeat this ‘hamster wheel existence’
without realizing its cause and effect is our strife.


Twenty years of politics as usual... far from it!

This is not a land of eagles when we want to see things… as we want to see things!


To realize there are many that have voiced their opinions about Trump winning the election, even their displeasure of the electoral college going along with it, but,”That’s democracy Baby! Yeah!” One side wins and the other loses… I wonder if Ruth Bader Ginsburg is still planning on moving- I’ll miss her. If Hillary would have been elected (more of the same), do you think she would have kept the Science Czar we currently have (under a Democrat)? Here is a little of what he is all about… UN policy gone AMOK!



I didn’t like it when Bush Jr. was voted in but this is still my country of choice.




“Universal appeal of the dead”©

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The patterns appear quite jumbled…
mixed up when winds blow the sand
in the environment, endemic yet so
intrinsic and aid in slight of the hand…
of mind… what was told to believe by
one assumed to be as dazzling light,
the human life so dim… so bleak, and
what was told to write by one so bright,
to want what God has… what God is…
this is by an eternal hunger unfulfilled
in time immemorial, we supposed God’s
own chosen would not be indwelt…
imbibed with the words of the book;
hence, they are the people of the Book,
keepers of the breath of God… for it
is His will to be done, not pawn or rook
in a political gambit of words, in a seen
and unseen world, cleft now in soul…
to deceive the masses with lies and his
deceptions from Jesus, wretched goal
from the great fall to desire to pull us all
down, as many as he will and can reach,
to be so arrogant and boastful in singular
pursuit, to train disobedience and teach
those whom will believe as he has shared
with… gathered from the very sands of time,
there was a promise told them about once…
spoken to another, deceit is then his crime.




This life can cause us to be fearful and it might be as confusing (sometimes) as looking in a kaleidoscope but as unpredictable as it may seem, especially with geopolitical influence, it is God that remains the constant- fixed and unchanging… either in His love or (if we oppose Him) in His anger. If you abide in His love He will abide with you. If you oppose Him… He will give you over to your own desires but know when this happens,”Your heaven (or good times) will be found only on this Earth.” Eternity is the goal and not the temporary gain this life speaks out for… yells out for and even demands.


Psalm 102:21 KJV
21 To declare the name of the LORD in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem;


Ecclesiastes 9:1 KJV
1 For all this I considered in my heart even to declare all this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God: no man knoweth either love or hatred by all that is before them.


To understand the vitriol one must acknowledge where it begins… in the US- this one article addresses the core of the issues. I do hope you’d realize ‘Islamophobic’ is a coined phrase… one created to ensure anyone speaking out would be labeled by it (shut down) and to give rise to the nature of its use as being the closest thing to reason for ‘political correctness’ in the first place.




See what an investigative project uncovered about: CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), Hamas, IAP (Islamic Association of Palestine) and the HLF (Holy Land Foundation) here, and please note it is a very lengthly PDF which gives rise to counter disinformation claimed by those investigated. Sources are clearly listed: FBI, CNN, PBS, Associated Press, New York Times, Cox News Service, Forbes magazine, News Corp. (parent company for the Fox News Channel, headed by Rupert Murdoch) and many others. CAIR has been known to be aided by the US State Department, see below…


Similar to its UAE presentation, CAIR cited its cooperation with U.S. State Department officials such as Secretary Rice and Undersecretary Hughes.



By attempting to hide/omit/purge/remove any who question any religion… I show you a religion we should most question- a fearful religion based on fear would also be afraid of the truth.




Recently, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) was aided by ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, passage of UN Resolution 16/18 received the same type of help.



This applies to women also!


See one article here and another here… about Hillary’s aid/assistance.


1 John 2:23
23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.


Below is found here [under Matthew Henry Commentary for 1 John 2:23… nearest the bottom] in an abstract- and food for eternal thought.


The great and most hurtful lies that the father of lies spreads in the world, usually are falsehoods and errors relating to the person of Christ.




Proof we need to pray for: all humanity (Brothers and Sisters are we all), revival of the spirit of hope and love, and for strength to return to those in Israel- the Nation for the people of the living God. God does care for all people but He loves His own most of all, and those that have made the conscious choice to seek out the God of eternal peace- the Hebrew God.




Matthew 5:44 KJV
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;




Images of: the eyes, don’t feed the fears and the quote by FDR are from here.




“Did you see the Ambassador under the bus?”©

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The raised voice and speech,” … a phony, a phony,” is heard

but a bit hypocritical is this epiphany, to point and fire… a canard,

Hillary’s own foisted antics palmed off on the people ‘true blue’

to see red and the ‘red states’ to turn blue, tighten up the screw

on those thumb devices… the ‘Blackberry Media’ gone awry,

and let us all take solace knowing she’ll be there if we’d cry!

I like her ‘truthfulness’ and knowing she (fully) supports abortion

like President Obama, YEAH- Planned Parenthood-wink distortion,

or the ‘Clinton Foundation lobbied by criminals’ and then aided…

and then her ‘branding’ is just an illusion, a mirage left us faded,

or is it the ‘stand against Christians‘ in the Middle East and chides

or the bettor, us (unsung) or shadow bankers (known) who decides.

There can be no such thing as transparency, when it is thought of (open eyes and brain engaged), in this Hillary Campaign for the President’s job. If I cannot trust her with emails… and she wants me to trust her with ‘the Oval Office?’ This is not really where I intended to take this piece of writing to but… which was worse- now the option of bad and (even) worse appears before my eyes? I’d like to thank the ‘American Media’ for most of our woes… running like a rapid dog with a juicy bone in its mouth: with Hillary support (denying ‘Classified’ damage… less coverage), turning out against ‘the Donald’ (for altering what was said… rendering it what was stated he said) and the ongoing attempts to deny our own (ugly) past (much like the Media subjected us to focus on racial concerns [by wedge issue] to the events in Ferguson). Finally, I close this with (of course… another New York Post article),”How Obama has turned back the clock on race relations,” or this one.

I guess we “left no room for anyone else!”


I hope there’s room for one more… don’t you?

What ‘bugs’ you: emails, cigars or conceit?

‘People’s Health’ … nice they cared!

Images from here.

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