
“Why fan the flames of indifference… unless you want them to continue to burn?”©

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This was from Matthew but the storms of life will hit us all!


Hit pieces, like articles by Kenneth T. Walsh, U.S. News & World Report, fan the flames of indifference. When tolerance gets changed to intolerance of hate but those who would scream of the outrage (and act upon it) see neither their own indifference as ‘hate’ nor the wedge being used by those seeking to keep us apart- this is the embodiment of indifference. This is being fueled by what I would termthe alt-left’ and it is being done to cause all Americans to be played… to be prey to our own undoing. A view to what I’m talking about, then and now, and seen respectively. See below…












There is no ‘revival’ to indifference, unless you look how long it took to see Obama get to Ferguson (Jefferson County), Missouri, or who rioted after the election!







This image compliments of Berkeley, Ca., and the riots already seen there!



“A captive nonetheless”

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There are many furrows which cross the brow,
even when staid conventions are kept captive,
from thoughts removed of the surly depths to
collaborate with collusion’s goal of preemptive
and arbitrary release of soundness and logic…
from thence to feel no sense of consequence,
stolen from the hands of those deceived and
would believe freedom is without a reference,
whence the beginning of freedom is relegated
to being quaint and obsolete, fought for the gain
to attain liberty by loss of lives and blood, fought
tyranny to arrive at peace and quiet without pain,
the pathology of a dyed in the wool liar… paved
with immunity render the liability to sell the whore,
and the whoring… the selling of one’s own body
and lifestyle to suit what another needs from more
of you, to turn from being an individual with choice
to a person with no: voice, morals or clear thought
to what we have been or what we have become…
and we’d be nothing more than clones as taught
to such vapid melodies of rhythm and ceaseless
noise… barely leaving images of color and life,
doomed to repeat this ‘hamster wheel existence’
without realizing its cause and effect is our strife.


Twenty years of politics as usual... far from it!

This is not a land of eagles when we want to see things… as we want to see things!


To realize there are many that have voiced their opinions about Trump winning the election, even their displeasure of the electoral college going along with it, but,”That’s democracy Baby! Yeah!” One side wins and the other loses… I wonder if Ruth Bader Ginsburg is still planning on moving- I’ll miss her. If Hillary would have been elected (more of the same), do you think she would have kept the Science Czar we currently have (under a Democrat)? Here is a little of what he is all about… UN policy gone AMOK!



I didn’t like it when Bush Jr. was voted in but this is still my country of choice.

