Ex-President Obama said this, about Trump,
“You get who you deserve!” No, it’s true…
as if to tell his own… you didn’t do enough
to support our nominee, our ‘5-dead-crew,’
this was supposed to be a slam against the
Trumpster but it backfired, now you know…
know what is being said by whom can also
loom in our faces as all can see the show
of such a gracious tolerance, true contempt
for: Office, Party and those acting so uptight.
Is this the same party… with love beads, the
ones singing ‘Kumbaya’ from the ‘gun plight?’
The Federal government controls/permits and
allows purchase of firearms, and runs a check…
if someone is then approved (sanctioned) or
seeks to do harm to any of us… what the heck.






Can this be understood, as being favorable, in light of how Obama really feels about religion… or about anything else?




