I fail to understand the narrow viewthe lens 

used by myBlack AmericanBrothers and Sisters

in the need to down play what Carson said, when

he compared Obamacare to slavery, the Misters

of media now decrybut not to long ago, MLK Jr.

referenced abortion to slavery of culture and heritage,

so where is the fulcrum to be placed hereto be

understood by one and all, are we still in a birdcage

of thought or should we find we can still sing at all?

Maya Angelou said she knew why the caged bird sings,

it seems we need to find out what she meant from her

heartfrom Martins heart, not just one of those things

one can hold on to forever and (yet) claim to be free,

Yesfreedom comes with a cost but not when ones

views are not listened tohow it looks/sounds to me.

Where is "the Dream" if life would be terminated... and parts placed on the market? Is this really about 'Women's Rights' or just a legal excuse? Is this what some would refer to as heritage?

Where is “the Dream” if life would be terminated… and parts placed on the market? Is this really about ‘Women’s Rights’ or just a legal excuse? Is this what some would refer to as heritage?

To think (currently… as some journalists would lead us to believe) there should be outrage over what Carson said, comparing ‘Obamacare’ and slavery together, and not think one thing about the origins of ‘Planned Parenthood’ and specific goals implied! I guess there is a vacuum to thought… to memory or to exposure of our history, some conveniently used and some left unspeakable- this does nothing but sweep it under the rug… white-washing it [for lack of a better term]. Even ‘Planned Parenthood‘ had at its own beginnings eugenics, to be used to cull the masses of those thought unworthy, and the proof is found here for the looking. You think Halloween is scary… I say believing half-truths and innuendo is far worse than Halloween itself. If you say you value heritage at all, I would recommend reading an article by Clenard Childress… before you set your heart and mind in stone. Since under ‘Obamacare’ we must be forced to support Planned Parenthood… I don’t think Carson is to far off base.

Can this be the history that hurts White America... as much as the heritage of Black America- what can grind the mind?

Can this be the history that hurts White America… as much as the heritage of Black America- what can grind the mind?