I can think of nothing more frightening for a parent than to realize your child is missing. An exception would be to find out she has been murdered… by one you allowed in the house. Sound unlikely, eighty percent (80%) of molestation and rape cases are caused by someone that is known by the assailant. Eight out of ten cases… and I come by this statistic from being hired by the San Joaquin Women’s Center, back in the mid-eighties. I’m sure the figures are worse by now… and not one of those things parents want think about when inviting friends over. See the tragic results of the local family here, a nightmare for families everywhere (these days), a local event that went National and International in scope and interest.

Where there was once true concern...

Where there was once true concern…


to full blown awareness...

to full blown awareness…


coming to our senses after it all sinks in. Pray this does not happen to you or your family… a time you will realize the worst case scenario is one you thought you could control- and were wrong!